Personal Training
Midway through a kettlebell Turkish Get-up - a full body exercise that starts lying down on your back, brings you to standing, and then returns to the starting position while holding the kettlebell overhead.
Personal Training
Tim became a personal trainer with NASM initially so that he could help his patients gain strength and range of motion in a way that would support their acupuncture treatments. Focusing on full body coordination and functional strength, personal training can allow for more full engagement in our favorite activities and prevent injuries do to aging, stress, and overuse.
In addition to becoming a certified personal trainer with the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), Tim has also completed some of their specialization courses including; Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES), Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES), and the Behavioral Change Specialist (BCS).
Tim continues to study Postural Assessment and Corrective Exercise (PACE) with the Sports Medicine Acupuncture Certification (SMAC) program. He is also a certified Row House Coach after completing the Row House University (RHU) in 2019 and teaching weekly classes at their Chelsea studio.
Corrective Exercise
Corrective exercise approaches fitness with longevity in mind. By identifying and correcting imbalances in the body we strengthens what is weak, we lengthen what is tight, and create the conditions for optimal movement with the least amount of wear on the joints.
Corrective exercise can help people avoid injury, recover from injury, and supplement other workout plans and athletic activities. The main focus is to help clients maintain their ability to live their daily lives as fully as possible and to keep those weekend warriors and athletes in the game safely. Integer tempus, elit in laoreet posuere, lectus neque blandit dui, et placerat urna diam mattis orci. Nullam sit amet nisi condimentum erat iaculis auctor.
Scapula protraction and shoulder flexion while maintaining isometric external rotation of the shoulder.
The beginning of round 2 of the Be Bishy! challenge where teams are completing their exercise buy-ins before starting their first puzzle.
Be Bishy! Charity Fitness challenge
The Be Bishy! fitness challenge is a race where teams of two compete through a series of challenges to get to the finish line. Although there is a heavy fitness component, teams will encounter questions, puzzles, riddles, and problems along the way ensuring that the winners will need more than strength and endurance to come out on top.
Originally created to celebrate his birthday, the Be Bishy! event has run twice and has raised over $18,000 for charities. All proceeds went directly to the organizations with applicable tax deductions for donors/participants and these events would not have been possible without the generous support of the charities as well as the facility Brick NYC.
Each event is unique to the location and group. If you are interested in hosting a Be Bishy! event send your inquiries to